Biographical basics & family
This profile provides classes and properties that describe essential apects of a persons life, like birth, death, marriage, family relationships.
For advanced users, find in OntoME the details on this profile.
Use Cases
Record basic information on the life of persons of relevance.
This profile contains the following classes:
Person (E21)
This class comprises real persons who live or are assumed to have lived. Legendary figures that may have existed, such as Ulysses and King Arthur, fall into this class if the documentation refers to them as historical figures.
Nelson Mandela
How to use this class:
These tabs explain you how to use the class "person".
Birth (E67)
This class comprises the births of human beings. Birth is a biological event focussing on the context of people coming into life. Twins, triplets etc. are brought into life by the same "Birth event".
Birth of Nelson Mandela
Function: This is a temporal class used for the time dimension. Add a date/time-span to it!
How to use this class:
These tabs explain you how to use the class "birth".
Side Note: The class (E63) "Beginning of Existence" comprises the coming into life of any other living beings.
Death (E69)
This class comprises the deaths of human beings.
Death of Nelson Mandela
Function: This is a temporal class used for the time dimension. Add a date/time-span to it!
Side Note: The death or perishing of any other living beings should be documented using (E64) "End of Existence".
Gender (C11)
Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural roles that are considered appropriate for men and women. It is linked to the class of persons (E21).
Union (C9)
The "Union" class indicates the existence over time of a couple, to which births, adoptions, etc. can be linked. The class "Union" models all kinds of relationships, regardless of their legal, emotional or social form, and indicates the time span of their duration (start/end date). Same-sex unions are also to be recorded with this class. A type is used to specify the nature of the union (marriage, common-law union, etc.).
The marriage of Nelson Mandela with Garça Machel
Function: This is a temporal class used for the time dimension. Add a date/time-span to it!
How to use this class:
These tabs explain you how to use the class "union".
Type of Union (C10)
A type is used to specify the nature of the union (C9), such as for example:
common-law marriage
Note: The class "type of union" allows you to clearly define for your project what type of "unions" you are relating to. It can be easily managed under settings -> controlled vocabularies.
Geographical Place (C13)
This class refers to a defined area of the surface of the Earth intended as constellations of matter which can be represented by photographs, paintings and maps. The relevant portion of the surface of the Earth can also be covered by water (river, sea, ...). The more specific identity of instances of this class is provided by a controlled vocabulary of geographical place types (C14).
Aral sea
Mount Fuji
Newfoundland and Labrador
(Surface of the country) Switzerland
(Area of the town of) London
Function: This is a geographical class used for spatial localization. Add geo-coordinates to it!
Note: Use this class to specify where for example a "birth" or "death" took place.
Built Work (C17)
This class comprises instances of man-made things such as freestanding buildings, components of buildings, and complexes of buildings, but also all man-made parts of infrastructure (roads, lamp post, dams, etc.)
House of birth of Mozart at No. 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg (Austria)
Eiffel Tower in Paris (France)
Gloden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (USA)
The Chillon Castle at Lake Geneva (Switzerland)
Function: This is a geographical class used for spatial localization. Add geo-coordinates to it!
Note: Use this class to further specify where a "birth" or "death" took place.
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